A most important iconic image depicting the goddess of hunting Artemis (or Diana in the Roman Mythology) and her greyhound dog.
A larger version was originally installed on the French Ocean Liner The L’Atlantique.
Raymond Rivoire (1884-1966) was a French sculptor, born in Cassel, Northern France. He participated in the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1905 onward, received the Silver medal in 1921 and the Gold medal in 1929. His statue of Joan of Arc is in Moulins Cathedral, and a marble statue of a bather is held in the Luxembourg City Art Museum.
A larger version was originally installed on the French Ocean Liner The L’ Atlantique.
SS L' Atlantique, 1930 owned by the Compagnie de Navigation Sud Atlantique (a subsidiary of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique or French Line) was the largest and most luxurious ocean liner on the Europe-South America run until her untimely damaged by fire, January 1933; scrapped 1936
Inspirée de celle introduite pour l'Île-de-France (1927), sa somptueuse décoration Art déco est l'œuvre des architectes Pierre Patout3 et du cabinet Maillard-Raguenet4 sous la direction du décorateur Albert Besnard5 qui a fait appel aux talents, parmi d'autres, de Raymond Rivoire, Jean Dunand, Raymond Subes, Jules Leleu. Une des originalités du navire est de posséder une « rue principale » longue de 140 mètres, haute de 6 et large de 5 qui ouvre sur des boutiques.