2012 Jacques de Loustal "
exposition d'oeuvres
originales de couverture du New Yorker."
Jacques de Loustal La Galerie Martel propose une exposition d'oeuvres originales de différents illustrateurs, dont Jacques de Loustal, Meulen, Spiegelman, Benoî et Mattoti, ayant réalisé une illustration originale pour la couverture du New Yorker. The exhibition “The New Yorker
Couvertures,” at Galerie Martel, Paris, from October 26, 2012 to
January 5, 2013, features cover originals by Benoît van Innis,
Barry Blitt, Ivan Brunetti, Peter de Sève, Eric Drooker, Ian
Falconer, Ana Juan, Anita Kunz, Jacques de Loustal, Lorenzo
Mattotti, Bruce McCall, Ever Meulen, Françoise Mouly, Christoph
Niemann, Art Spiegelman, Mark Ulriksen, Chris Ware… and also two
of my own cover images, shown as artist proofs from 20x200.com.
The show celebrates the French publication of Françoise Mouly’s
book on TNY covers. I was thrilled that she and galerist Rina
Zavagli curated me in. Some of these artists I’ve been a fan of
for more than thirty years. http://jcfilter.tumblr.com/