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2008  “On the Move”
Jacques de Loustal in New Yorker 14 april 2008

The New Yorker, April 21, 2008

For the “Journeys” issue, Jacques de Loustal created an innovative three-part layered cover. In “On the Move,” his adventuring couple is inappropriately dressed for each location (for example, they wear parkas and ski hats while crossing a sandy beach), but they tread through each environment with a spirit of adventure. De Loustal’s cover nicely complemented the varied pieces within the magazine, which told stories of journeys ranging from a scare in a Manhattan elevator to a voyage through a wildlife preserve for tigers in an Indian mangrove swamp.



1. La «une» qui marche 

SPÉCAL VOYAGES Chaque printemps, Françoise Mouly, directrice artistique du «New Yorker», demande au bourlingueur Jacques de Loustal d'illustrer le numéro «spécial Voyages». L'illustrateur propose un rough, qui est ensuite retravaillé selon les indications de la DA. Cas exceptionnel ici: l'esquisse a été immédiatement validée (1). C'est pourquoi on retrouve les mêmes principes de dessin jusqu'à la couverture finale (2).


The New Yorker, April 21, 2008

For the “Journeys” issue, Jacques de Loustal created an innovative three-part layered cover. In “On the Move,” his adventuring couple is inappropriately dressed for each location (for example, they wear parkas and ski hats while crossing a sandy beach), but they tread through each environment with a spirit of adventure. De Loustal’s cover nicely complemented the varied pieces within the magazine, which told stories of journeys ranging from a scare in a Manhattan elevator to a voyage through a wildlife preserve for tigers in an Indian mangrove swamp.
