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2006  Voyage (Chinese)

Voyage-La Bande dessinée part en voyage
Isbn : 9868193613
Page : 164
Price :
Press : Big spicy
Binding : Softback color
Publication Year : 2006-04-06

Jacques de Loustal(賈克‧路斯塔) 

以爵士樂為題的《巴尼與他的藍色音符》(Barney et la note bleue)一舉成名,也畫了一系列旅遊圖文手記(Carnets de voyage),近來Casterman出版社發行他的作品《島嶼與她們的故事》(iles et elles)。 

(this is an translation)
The book originated from an excellent reputation in the world-renowned magazine "Geo" cartoonist of original concept : how they travel? How will they look at this world? When most visitors to tourist attractions and travel records digital camera, the eyes of the cartoonist is to observe what kind? Showing what a long journey of things?
The book invited 10 gurus European cartoonist, each selected their own place, so we Along with Moebius (Moebius) visited Egypt, and Schuiten (Francois Schuiten) climbing Mount Fuji, and Zhu (Andre Juillard) passing through Boston to New York, 95 highway, and Amato meaning (Lorenzo Mattotti) roaming Angkor, and Booker (François Boucq) depth Mexico, and Blantyre (Christophe Blain) visited Tehran, and D'Kui West (Nivcolas De Crecy), the sport themselves, Brazil, Stavanger, with the road (Jacques de Loustal) viewing Tahiti Houjuefuren Islands scenery, with Dolby (Phillipe Dubuy) with Mr Thomas Bjorn (Charles Berberian) with in Tangier, Morocco and Muniuci (Jose Munoz) stumble across a romantic Paris. Through their eyes and brush, we find the world : new features :
The status of the world's eight comic book full of observations from France, Eastern Europe, North Africa, North America, South America and South Korea and other countries, outlined local trends and developments in the comic to give readers of comic perspective and work together around the globe.
Mr Suowa #? Schuiten (Francois Schuiten)
"Obscurity City" (Les Cites obscures) series of "border passes" (the spicy published) portrayed revitalize one of the Belgian comic appearances. 2002 Angouleme Comics Festival in France winner, as the 2003 Chairman of the Comics Festival.

# Andrey? Zhu (Andre Juillard)
It depicts the "Eiffel Tower 36 King" (the spicy published). Following the history of comic series "Windy plume" (Plumes aux vents), published in Paris in 1990 -- a blue notebook narrative entitled to privacy "(the spicy published). 1996 Angouleme Comics Festival winner.

# Moebius (Moebius)
He used the pen name Moebius work, "Fatal Army" (Major Fatal), "Galaxy arrived detectives" (l 'Incal), "Cat Eye" (Times Publishing) and other science fiction works. Name still used? Jha (Jean Giraud) by the famous comic Western "Blueberry Captain" (Blueberry).

Les sirones de la Baie de Hatiheu

# Rancor? Road Stavanger (Jacques de Loustal)
Jazz entitled to the "Barney and his blue notes" (Barney et la note bleue) of success, but their travel through a series of Notes (Carnets de Antarctic), Casterman Publishing House recently issued his work "The islands with their stories" (?les et elles).

# Nicholas? West Germany] (Nivcolas De Crecy)
Author of the "fat seals Enchantments" (Le Bibendum celeste), "Hamlet Secretary strange cigarettes" (Leon la came), and many other comic book illustrator, comic books recently published "Fresh zoonoses Poso wave boss" (Prosopopus, Dupuis published).

# Dolby with Mr Thomas Bjorn (Phillipe Dupuy and Charles Berberian)
From 1983, they jointly created the drawing comics with his script. In 1999, described the "Chinese President will mature male" (Monsieur Jean), they came to a Angouleme Comics Festival of the Altai She (Alph 'Art).

Mr Suowa #? Booker (François Boucq)
1998 Angouleme Comics Festival winner, 20 years since the publication of the book. In recent years, publishing the "single-arm thugs" (Bouncer), the big, this story by Mr. Zhuo west? Youduluosiji (Alexandro Jodorowsky) Screenplay.

# Christopher? Blantyre (Christophe Blain)
Thanks to him, and brought us Western cowboy story Swordsmen of chivalry, the former Navy sailor, the "pirates painting Saddam" (Issac le Pirate) won the 2002 best album Angouleme Comics Festival, the annual award.

# Manifestations? Amato meaning (Lorenzo Mattotti)
The Italian artists living in France rich, how this book illustrator, comics and children's book was translated and introduced to the world.

# Jose? Muniuzi (Jose Munoz)
He and scriptwriter Carlos? Santer 100 Guangyou (Carlos Sampayo), the "Yi Lake? Cinphorin "series (Alack Sinner), he enjoyed a good reputation, the story about a private detective, have already been published in eight volumes. Partners has published a series of comics called "Joe's bar" (a Joe Bar) comic.




