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2016 Drawing as Language
Film français avec sous-titres anglais

17. - 24. APRIL 2016

Drawing as Language Video-Interviews with Cartoonists Jacques de Loustal
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the international Comix-Festival, Fumetto, we will be showing interviews with cartoonists who coined our contemporary drawing culture. They speak of their drawing experiences and on topics such as «drawing as a language» and «visual narration».



14 cartoonists who decisively shaped comic strips and graphic novels in the past 25 years were interviewed on topics such as „drawing as a language“ and „visual narration“, on the creating and reading of drawings and their teaching strategies. The results provide enlightening insight into the attitudes, working methods, preferences, and convictions of 14 very different and compelling artists and personalities from seven countries, thus depicting the range and creativity of contemporary comic creation.

Amongst others, these are Joe Sacco (USA), Ben Katchor (USA), Joost Swarte (NL), Jacques de Loustal (F), Edmond Baudoin (F), Ulli Lust (D), Gabrielle Bell (USA), and Tom Gauld (UK).

“Drawing as a Language” is a project of the Lucerne School of Art and Design at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. It was developed in cooperation with the international comix festival, Fumetto, that celebrated its 25th anniversary in Lucerne in 2016. The research group “Visual Narration” seized the opportunity of the Fumetto symposium, “Drawing as Language”, organized by the department “Illustration”, to carry out these interviews.

Livre d’art
Fumetto a fêté son anniversaire! Impossible d’énumérer les formidables dessinateurs de BD, artistes satellites, les créateurs underground insoumis, les talents devenus grands et les têtes créatives du festival. Sans parler de toutes les petites mains qui ont accompagné et fait avancer Fumetto depuis le début. Nous souhaitons leur rendre hommage à tous: avec une publication unique dans laquelle 41 dessinatrices et dessinateurs ont dressé un portrait de Fumetto – de sa naissance jusque dans un avenir lointain. En plus de la genèse du festival, le livre retrace les lieux de Fumetto, évoque ses prestigieux invités, ses initiés, ses assistants et ses artistes déjantés, raconte des anecdotes et dévoile des statistiques surprenantes. Et cerise sur le gâteau: chaque chapitre était achevé de manière personnalisée, en direct et uniquement au festival.

Édition limitée de 350 exemplaires, 24 x 33 cm, 208 pages, 78.–
Il nous restent quelques exemplaires. A commander sur comix@fumetto.ch

Fumetto art Book
Fumetto has been celebrating its birthday! It would have been impossible to count the amazing comic artists, satellite artists, rebellious underground creatives, talents, and creative minds that have made their debut here. Not to mention the helper elves and helpers’ helpers, who have stood by Fumetto and contributed to its development from the get-go. We liked to honour them all with this unique publication, comprising 41 artists portraying Fumetto from its inception to far into the future. Along with the birth of the festival, Fumetto venues, previous guest stars, insiders and anecdotes are some surprising statistics, pondering apprentices and chaotic artists packed into imaginative stories. And the crème de la crème: every chapter of your book had been illustrated and ‘finished’ for you exclusively, live by the artists themselves.
This art book is a rarity in the making, and only the biggest of Fumetto-fans will become their proud owners.

Fumetto kunstbuch

limited edition of 300 books, 24 x 33 cm,
208 pages, 78.–
a litte edition is still available on comix@fumetto.ch

Participating Artists:

Yvan Alagbé
François Avril
Christophe Badoux
Luca Bartulovic
Edmond Baudoin
Gabrielle Bell
Paz Boïra
Serge Clerc
Frédéric Coché
Stéphane De Groef
Jacques De Loustal
Olivier Deprez
Tom Gauld
Andreas Gefe
Dominique Goblet
Jens Harder
Herr Seele
Ben Katchor
Andreas Kiener
Eric Lambé
Chihoi Lee
Jean-Christophe Long
Ulli Lust
Nicolas Mahler
Tommi Musturi
Thomas Ott
Kai Pfeiffer
Kati Rickenbach
Anna Sommer
Caroline Sury
Joost Swarte
Tom Tirabosco
Brecht Vandenbroucke
Mike Van Audenhoven
Thierry Van Hasselt
Henning Wagenbreth
Anja Wicki